Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jane Goodall in Beijing

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Jane Goodall at an American Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Beijing. My biggest interest is Anthropology, so this was an event not to miss.

She greeted us as a Chimpanzee would have, of course, and then spoke of the need to create zones of sustainable development such that humans will be benefit more from keeping forests than destroying them, ultimately protecting wildlife habitats.

By studying Chimpanzees, she has been able to teach us what it means to be human.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Chinese New Year: Shock & Awe Campaign

This was the view from the 19th floor of my apartment in Dalian in 2007. This is 2 minutes; now imagine this as a 2 hour climax of a solid week of fireworks and firecrackers.